Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Policy

Water and Sanitation Coverage Targets
on average water service coverage improvement every 4 years leading to 2023.

Rural Sanitation
By the year 2030, each household in rural areas (community of population of less than 5,000) must own and have access to safe sanitary facility with at least minor improvements that would reduce flies, odour, etc. (at least upgraded pit latrine).

Semi-urban sanitation
By the year 2030, each household in semi-urban areas (population of 5,000 to 20,000) must own and have access to safe sanitary facility that is easily adaptable to existing traditional pit latrine and uses superstructures which blend very well with other buildings within the community.

Urban sanitation
By the year 2030, each household in urban areas (population above 20,000) must own and have access to safe sanitary facility that uses suitable and affordable water conveyance systems.
Access to Water and Sanitation

Imo State Government will introduce groundwater abstraction / removal licensing program, to regulate the use of groundwater and avoid over-depletion

Drilling of boreholes will require prior authorization.

All (new and existing) boreholes must be registered.

The construction and location of boreholes must meet required standards.

Boreholes for private, commercial and industrial use will be subject to monitoring and control including limits on the maximum volume of use

ISWSC shall implement appropriate measures that encourage conservation of water resources and reduce waste and excessive water consumption.

ISWSC shall undertake regular and prompt leakage detection and repairs;

ISWSC shall implement consumer metering.

ISWSC shall apply tariff measures to encourage efficient use and reduction or eliminate illegal connections in water supply systems.

ISWSC shall promote enlightenment campaigns on water conservation.

The Role of Women
- The WASH policy stipulates that women be encouraged to take active roles in the operation, monitoring and management of water schemes.
- Women are also encouraged to seek for leadership of WCAs and WASHCOMs.
- The WASH policy is against denial of less privileged, physically challenged and the poor access to basic water supply and sanitation services.
- The policy also stipulates that Imo State Government shall ensure that the needs of the poorest of the poor, and physically challenged are accommodated in WASH service delivery.
The Role of Imo State Government

The role of Individual Households